The Ageing Well National Science Challenge has teamed up with students in the University of Otago’s Centre for Science Communication and co-developed an interactive exhibit at the Otago Museum called “Well Balanced”.
University of Otago Associate Professor Debra Waters from the Ageing Well Management Directorate worked with Science Communication Professor Nancy Longnecker and 16 Science Communication postgraduate students on the project.
Balance and strength change across our lifetime, but improvements can be made at almost any time – so the exhibition is about encouraging people to keep moving and to age well.
Designed to be a fun, interactive and educational experience for all ages, the exhibition consists of a series of activities based around strength and balance.
Participants can learn about and undertake activities with a Wii Fit, hula hoops, devices to test hand and trunk strength, challenges for nimble fingers and dexterity, and testing balance on a wobble board – all with the aim of testing and learning how to improve strength and balance.
The opening of the exhibition at the Otago Museum on 11 November 2016 was very successful, with everyone from children to older adults trying the different exhibits, having fun and learning more about their own strength and balance.
The exhibition will be on display till the 29th of January 2017.
For more information about this exhibit, pleased visit our Well Balanced page