In response to the Te Ara Paerangi Future Pathways review, Ageing Well was pleased to submit a document that encapsulated extensive consultation and internal thinking around how we feel the science sector could deliver the best outcomes for all New Zealanders.
The Ageing Well submission provided responses to the questions posed in Te Ara Paerangi green paper, and prefaced the questions with a short contextual statement and a summary at the start of the document. Directors Associate Professor Louise Parr-Brownlie and Professor David Baxter also attended the various MBIE-led workshops to learn more about the process and to help crystalise their thinking about the review and the Ageing Well response.
The responsibility for formulating a response to this green paper was a significant undertaking and one the Ageing Well Directors did not approach lightly. Associate Professor Parr-Brownlie and Professor Baxter understood that this document would affect generations of New Zealanders and have a significant impact on the science and research sector in Aotearoa New Zealand for decades.
“Preparing our response has provided Ageing Well with a significant opportunity to positively shape the future of the sector in which we work and engage,” said Associate Professor Parr-Brownlie.
“It was important to us to shape a submission that was well considered and innovative, but also one that emphasised equity and opportunity. We feel that Ageing Well’s experiences can offer important insights for how the science sector can move to Tiriti partnership,” she said.
The method for arriving at a completed submission was a long process over a relatively short period of time. Advantageous and important korero happened with our researchers and early career researchers, fellow National Science Challenges, Governance Group, Strategic Advisory Group, the University of Otago (as our host organisation), New Zealand Gerontology Association, as well with our key community stakeholders. Additionally, it was also informed by wānanga with Rauika Māngai (for those aligned with the National Science Challenges and Ngā Pae o te Māramatanga) and Te Pūtahitanga (for Māori across the broad science sector).
Professor Baxter wished to acknowledge all the korero that took place since Te Ara Paerangi was released in October 2021.
“It has been a wonderful opportunity to think strategically and to ponder what we want the future research sector to look like in Aotearoa New Zealand. It has been beneficial to connect with all who are aligned with us to hear what they had to say. It is not every day you have an opportunity to have these higher level future-building discussions that are essential to keep the sector moving in the right direction,” said Professor Baxter.
“We are proud of the submission we produced and hope that this sector review proves fruitful,” he added.
Interested in reading the Ageing Well submission to Te Ara Paerangi?
A PDF can be accessed here or read in the PDF reader below.
Read the Rauika Māngai submission to the Te Ara Paerangi.