In the first issue of the Ageing Well Newsletter for 2021, we feature an update from our Chair, Dr Will Edwards.
We are pleased to welcome new members into our Ageing Well whānau.
In our Governance Group, we welcome to Rauru Kirikiri, Glenis Philip-Barbara, and Professor Les Oxley. And we welcome Dr Angus Hikairo Macfarlane to our International Science Advisory Panel and Dr Clive Aspin to our Strategic Advisory Group.
Ageing Well, in a strategic collaboration with A Better Start and Healthier Lives National Science Challenges, was pleased to announce $1.5 million funding for research into the impact of Chronic Disease on New Zealand Families.
A research update discusses the published papers from our researchers and we acknowledge two Ageing Well researchers for receiving prestigious awards. We also will be announcing something shortly relating to postdoctoral opportunities.
Read all these articles and more in our inaugural issue for 2021.