Ageing Well is proud to congratulate our Co-Director Professor David Baxter on his appointment as Dean of the University of Otago Graduate Research School. The appointment was announced by Acting Vice Chancellor Professor Helen Nicholson earlier this week and Professor Baxter will commence this new role in April 2022.
Professor Baxter has extensive experience advancing graduate education, spending ten years as Dean of Physiotherapy at Otago and having led the establishment of a new Research Graduate School at the University of Ulster, UK. Additionally, he was significantly involved in the UK Council for Graduate Education.
“In a research-intensive university like Otago, this position plays a pivotal part in ensuring the success of future generations of graduate researchers and preparing them for the ever-changing research environments,” said Professor Baxter.
Director of Ageing Well, Associate Professor Louise Parr-Brownlie, was elated at the news.
“This is a wonderful professional opportunity for Professor Baxter and I am gratified that he has been recognized for his long-standing commitment to fostering graduate research,” Associate Professor Parr-Brownlie said.
“Additionally, I am also pleased that his role as Dean will still allow for his continued involvement as Co-Director of Ageing Well.”
This sentiment was also reiterated by Professor Baxter.
“I look forward to remaining as the Co-Director of Ageing Well as we have much left to do,” he said.