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Taurite Tū: Interactive Resources

Investing in interactive training resources to support the kaiwhakaako | facilitators of the Taurite Tū kaupapa

Research Team

  • Katrina Pōtiki Bryant
  • Moana Wesley

Following the successful outcomes of the Taurite Tū: achieving equitable injury prevention outcomes for ageing Māori project, Ageing Well sought to maximise the impact of the programme by commissioning an additional mini-project with the research team.

This new project developed interactive training resources to support the kaiwhakaako | facilitators of Taurite Tū.

What is Taurite Tū?

Taurite Tū is a kaupapa Māori falls prevention and wellness programme for ageing whānau, encompassing mātauraka Māori and other evidence-based science, that aims to empower Māori to age stronger. The programme was developed by Katrina Pōtiki Bryant and Te Rūnanga o Ōtākou (TRŌ) Taurite Tū Ltd.

From the success of the initial pilot programme that ran from 2019-2022, a larger-scale implementation of Taurite Tū jointly funded by the Health Research Council (HRC), the Accident Compensation Commission (ACC), and Ageing Well commenced in 2021. Read more about the Taurite Tū programme.

Taurite Tū is now out of the research phase and with additional funding support from other organisations (including ACC and WellSouth), the programme is being implemented in 22 Māori organisations around the motu. The Taurite Tū kaupapa continues to grow and more organisations are requesting the Taurite Tū programme and resources for their pakeke and kaumātua Maori and their whānau.

Taurite Tū is now out of the research phase and with additional funding support, the programme is being implemented in 22 Māori organisations around the motu.

Benefits of the interactive training resources

This new mini-project developed interactive training resources to support the facilitators of Taurite Tū. As the programme is heavily based on physiotherapy and mātauraka Māori theory, TRŌ Taurite Tū Ltd has provided specific training to those who are to be the facilitators of the programme. This training has involved the facilitators attend training sessions at Ōtākou Marae on the Otago Peninisula. With a rapid increase in the number of groups wishing to deliver the programme, and changes in staff delivering Taurite Tū, the team identified new ways to help deliver the programme.

These new interactive resources help ‘train the trainers’ with the aim to streamline the training process and enhance the knowledge base of Taurite Tū kaiwhakaako | facilitators. This impacts positively on the quality and efficiency of training new and existing facilitators, which has a roll-o.n impact on the pakeke and kaumātua benefitting from participation within the Taurite Tū kaupapa, and those many more who are yet to join.

The resources developed included:

·      Written resources on the theory behind exercises

·      Supplementary audio and video resources to support the written resources

·      Additional falls resources to be used in Taurite Tū classes.

These resources have been added to the training platforms specifically accessed by kaiwhakaako | facilitators of the Taurite Tū kaupapa.

These new interactive resources help ‘train the trainers’ to streamline the training process and enhance the knowledge base of Taurite Tū kaiwhakaako | facilitators.

Launch of the additional resources

The additional resources were launched in July 2024 at an event held at Te Kāika, Dunedin. Additionally, they were featured at the Ageing Well and Healthier Lives National Science Challenges Legacy event in August 2024 in Dunedin.

Ageing Well has been proud to support kaupapa Māori research and believes that the continued investment in a proven model of injury prevention made for Māori by Māori will continue to help Māori age well.

For further information, please visit the Taurite Tū website or connect with them on Facebook.

Taurite Tū