Te Ara Paerangi - Future Pathways White Paper
‘Te Ara Paerangi - Future Pathways’ White paper outlines the Government’s priorities for the science and research sector in Aotearoa New Zealand.
Te Ara Paerangi - Future Pathways Green Paper
‘Te Ara Paerangi - Future Pathways’ outlines the Government’s policy agenda for the future of New Zealand’s science and research system.
A Guide to Vision Mātauranga
This guide by the Rauika Māngai describes principles of good practice for Vision Mātauranga in the National Science Challenges and across the science sector.
Healthy Ageing Strategy
The Strategy refreshes and replaces the Health of Older People Strategy 2002, and aligns with the new New Zealand Health Strategy 2016
Better Later Life – He Oranga Kaumātua 2019 to 2034
Better Later Life – He Oranga Kaumātua 2019 to 2034 has been developed to drive action to ensure that all New Zealanders recognise older people’s potential.
Older people experiencing vulnerability and multiple disadvantage in New Zealand
A report on the needs of older people (65+) in health, housing, finance, social connection, and access.
Summary of Recommendations of Review of Retirement Income Policies 2019
This document lists the recommendations made in the 2019 Review of Retirement Income Policies in relation to the terms of reference, with explanations as to why the recommendations have been made.
Review of Retirement Income Policies 2019
This report addresses the specific terms of reference set by the Minister of Commerce and Consumer Affairs, and provides key corresponding recommendations.
2014 Report on the Positive Ageing Strategy
This report summaries the Positive Ageing Strategy, and the progress in each of the Strategy’s 10 goals.
Age Friendly Aotearoa New Zealand Toolkit
This toolkit provides guidance and support for communities that would like to become age friendly.
Evidence for health and wellbeing in Aotearoa New Zealand
This research inventory is a short summary of some of the research completed by the three health-related National Science Challenges: Ageing Well, Healthier Lives and A Better Start.
Science System Advisory Group Submission
In response to the call for submissions to the Science System Advisory Group, Ageing Well filed a brief that outlines our responses to set questions.
Ageing Well Response to Te Ara Paerangi - Future Pathways
This is the official submission by Ageing Well to the ‘Te Ara Paerangi - Future Pathways’ review of Aotearoa New Zealand’s science and research sector.
Health of Older People Strategy
This document presents the Health of Older People Strategy including the vision and objectives.
Amplifying the Voices of Older People Across Aotearoa New Zealand
This report provides a snapshot into the issues and challenges faced by older people using health and disability services across Aotearoa New Zealand.
Review of Retirement Income Policies 2022
The Review of Retirement Income Policies 2022 provides recommendations to improve retirement outcomes for all New Zealanders.
UN Decade of Healthy Ageing – Core Narrative
The UN Decade of Healthy Ageing (2021–2030) aims to give everyone the opportunity to add life to years, wherever they live.
Reflections on Kaumatua, Pakeke, and Seniors Housing
‘Reflections’ is a helpful informational resource that aims to promote the need for better housing for our growing ageing population and was the idea of Ageing Well researcher, Dr Kay Saville-Smith.
Te Whare o Oro: A mātauranga Māori framework for understanding the roro
From our Te Roro project, this report ‘Te Whare o Oro’ employs the whare tūpuna (an ornately carved meeting house or ancestral house) as a metaphorical structure to allow for a deeper understanding of the complex connections and roles of the brain.
Rauika Mangai - Wai 262 Best Practice Guide
The Rauika Māngai published the Wai 262 Best Practice Guide, a baseline for how scientists and researchers in Aotearoa can best work with Māori communities.